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Judges and Lawyers In Florida Must “Un-Friend” Each Other

Posted: December 4, 2009 - Blog

In short, Florida’s Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee ruled that Florida’s judges and lawyers should no longer “friend” each other on Facebook due to worries of perceived conflicts of interest.

I’m in agreement with a few on the committee who dissented, saying judges should be allowed to have attorneys as Facebook friends because those connections are more like “a contact or acquaintance.”

My personal Facebook page includes close personal friends, family, as well as casual acquaintances who I wish to stay in touch with.

While I do understand there may be a question of conflict of interest, I think such contact on facebook is so public, it shouldn’t be a problem. Emails, phone calls, and private meeting have much more potential to create conflicts or questions then “friending” on facebook. If judges and attorneys wish to keep in contact, they will, and Facebook is likely low on the list of ways in which a conflict could occur.

But that’s just my opinion. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts!
